
Unicorn noodles

Unicorn noodles What is that smell i thought,it smells like a dinner iv'e had at my nanas we put noodles into a slow cooker and let them sit we pt on the lid and saw a lot of condensation on the lid we added lime juice to them and the noodles urned blue pink and purple

My Pepeha

Ngā mihinui ki a koutou Tēnā koutou   Ko Taupiri te maunga. Ko Waikato te awa. Ko Tainui te waka. Ko Hukanui te marae. Ko Ngāti Wairere te hapu. Ko Kirikiriroa ki te rāwhiti te kura. Ko Pippa te tumuaki Ko Emily rāua Georgia taku kaiako. Ko Daniel taku papa. Ko Jade taku mama/whaea. Ko Elise taku tēina. (girls with younger sister) Ko  Andrew taku tungane. (girl with a brother) brother Ko Maddison ahau. (name)         (Your name) Nō Kirikiriroa ahau. Tēnā koutou   (greetings) Tēnā koutou (greetings to you all)

thats how i know its time to get up

Pattern poem about donuts


Water cycle

Precipitation is When you see a grey cloud you know it's going to rain.The clouds gets heavy and starts to precipitate.The dark grey clouds sometimes get heavy and cold and it snows or hails. Accumulation means a gathering of something like water.A mass of water gathering.Water travels then gathers together and makes a puddle. Evaporation means Water changes from water to gas.The process of something turning to water. Condensation means water that turns into water drops on a cold surface like a window on a cold winter day.A liquid or a gas like water on a cold day. Transpiration meaning a plant gets water then it goes up into a cloud.Plant get water then the water goes up into a cloud.

News Paper

   This is a News Paper report that we did. By Madylin & Maddison.

Daisy Platt-Mills and the paisley family Maddison and Madylin

 The mystery of the mothers of empire badge Daisy Platt-Mills made Mothers of empire badges to be worn by the mothers who sent their sons to war.War was WW1 in Gallopoli Daisy Platt-Mill made the mothers of empire badge. Daisy Platt-Mill was the only female doctor in war. Agnes Paisley wore this  badge because she sent three sons to war but none of her sons returned home. Daisy Platt-Mill was the only female doctor in war .all mothers wore the badge if they sent their sons to war.Many mothers wore the badge that she created called the mothers of empire badge including Agnes Paisley wore the badge with pride. This small silver token was special to the mothers who wore them.I would be very sad if none of my sons returned home but happy to have a token to remind me of them. where we got the image from