
Showing posts from 2019

Unicorn noodles

Unicorn noodles What is that smell i thought,it smells like a dinner iv'e had at my nanas we put noodles into a slow cooker and let them sit we pt on the lid and saw a lot of condensation on the lid we added lime juice to them and the noodles urned blue pink and purple

My Pepeha

Ngā mihinui ki a koutou Tēnā koutou   Ko Taupiri te maunga. Ko Waikato te awa. Ko Tainui te waka. Ko Hukanui te marae. Ko Ngāti Wairere te hapu. Ko Kirikiriroa ki te rāwhiti te kura. Ko Pippa te tumuaki Ko Emily rāua Georgia taku kaiako. Ko Daniel taku papa. Ko Jade taku mama/whaea. Ko Elise taku tēina. (girls with younger sister) Ko  Andrew taku tungane. (girl with a brother) brother Ko Maddison ahau. (name)         (Your name) Nō Kirikiriroa ahau. Tēnā koutou   (greetings) Tēnā koutou (greetings to you all)